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Cortex Ecosystem

Advanced Control

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    Cloud Remote O&M

    Constantly upgrade the control strategy through OTA.

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    Guarantee System Security

    24/7 real-time monitoring critical parts to prevent risks in advance.

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    Improve Economic Return

    Based on load forecasting and electrical market to maximum the return.


  • PowerView
  • Supervisor
  • Analyzer
  • Logger
  • PowerView

    Client software that allows for real-time viewing of the operating status and parameters, economic benefits, product information, and historical data of energy storage system.

  • Supervisor

    Supervisor is an operation and maintenance software that monitors key component parameters to predict and prevent operational failures, ensuring the safe and stable operation of energy storage systems on site. Supervisor also offers extensive maintenance tutorials and work order management features.

  • Analyzer

    Analyzer is an energy storage system analysis software that uses algorithms and data to optimize battery charge/discharge logic and thermal management. It addresses issues such as battery degradation and inconsistency. Additionally, it provides real-time battery safety monitoring and predicts internal short circuits. The system also includes features for load forecasting and demand prediction.

  • Logger

    Logger is a local control management software for Tesorpack energy storage systems. This system provides easy-to-use visualization tools for setting operational strategies and key parameters of the local controller, and supports historical data queries and network configuration. The system offers the following operational strategies: Time of Use, Capacity Expansion, PV Consumption, and Demand Charge Management.



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    Time of Use

    Reduce costs by leveraging the price difference between peak and off-peak tariffs.

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    Peak Shaving

    Control the maximum load power and reduce the demand charges.

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    Capacity Expansion

    Increase electrical generation capacity without changing the transformer.

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    Use more energy from renewable sources and minimise feed-in.

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    Create a small utility grid with or without a connection to a public utility grid.

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    Market Participation

    Provide energy support to the grid in response to system operator alerts.